Gun Puengkatesoontorn

Interest : Stock Analysis

My top priority
1. High recurring revenue
2. Reasonable growth
3. Flavorable yield

Stock Analysis Projects

This is my hobby

List of my investment

Name Description Stock Exchange
Bae system Defence(Manufacture Design & Supply)(Link) UK
Rio Tinto Rare Earth Industry (Link) AUS UK
HKG:1810 (Xiaomi) Telecomm. & Networking Equipment (Link) Hong Kong
DOC (Physician realty) REIT which acquire develope and lease specialty hospitals(Link) US

Financial Report Project

One examples of my sub-project "Financial Report Project"
This project allow me to scrape data of financial report from US and HK stock
and compare their last 5-year performance and design in understandable form.

Volume Profile

One examples of my sub-project "Volume Profile"
After walking through a stock's fundamental, It is essential to make decision.
Which price is likely to be the most appropriate can be determined by accumulated volume.